SFOL 31 - Triple Threat 2 (0/20 - Game Over) Rocks fall - Everyone dies

or Guilty until proven Innocent

and sure

Because some important classes might out themselves and become targeted for death or conversion (Most likely death though)

I know this might be cruel to pick on the rookies but I’d like to test Litten’s theory and see how Merc reacts under pressure

/vote Mercenary

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Yeah but if everyone claims we kill the claims that don’t make sense thus helping town

If done correctly massclaim almost always benefits town

Also Sam there can be up to 3 of each non-unique BD like ToL so it helps less

Sam mass claiming is such a bad idea in this setup. There are X2 amounts of converts and they will know who to convert and kill. I don’t like your suggestion


Because it’s too easy to fakeclaim without notifications, while also has the drawbacks of essentially giving convert/kill targets to evils as they know who is likely lying and who is not.

Mass claims should only be used as a last resort here.


Everyone relax, I was trying to get squid’s stance on massclaiming so we get a better read on them. I didn’t ask for the peanut gallery’s opinion

The Jury will speak

So your idea about mass claiming was just a…


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I mean Sam is all about reaction tests

even more so than Litten

/vote Gamerpoke You’re awfully quiet. That is suspicious.

Judging by his self-meta in Ghost Town 2, I don’t think that’s AI from him.

I still want to hear more from him, Vulgard, Pug, and Maxi tbh.

Solic we gotta pressure together for it to matter, we can’t both be pressuring different semi-rookies

Pug’s silence I feel is normal, and maybe Maxi’s, but I’m pretty sure Vul is on a trip

He’s also been silent in several other games he’s in, so I assume this shouldn’t be too out of the ordinary.

I am currently at the Amazon sphere

Can’t really play rn

why are you at Amazon HQ?

It only opens the third Saturday of every month and I had time so /shrug

Also parents forced me to