SFOL 31 - Triple Threat 2 (0/20 - Game Over) Rocks fall - Everyone dies

@Livicus what do you think of what happened so far? I would love to hear your thoughts.

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Let’s hope there’ll be someone else protecting you from getting stabbed with one less protective cause they’re occupied

Hmm no.I doubt they will come me for first and you seem like you don’t wanna be occupied as scum.I didn’t like this post.

I’m worried about you though. You’re a pretty important class and it would be horrible if we end losing you because you’re not protected

I still dislike how Maxi started soft defending Squid, who’s basically the consensus wolf right now.

ISO’ing Merc shows a lot of fluff, but I can’t exactly see anything that’s very AI there. But as long as Squid gets CS’d/Wolfed/Executed, I’d guess I can sheep you as you’re not scum.

/vote Mercenary

Mole didn’t see it and i will vote again.I still didn’t see Marg’s antics and she didn’t claim prince d1.Which doesn’t seem how Town!Margaret would act.
/vote Margaret

But Merc is new.Will we really gain so much info from that ? I kinda doubt it


I didn’t even know what squid was at the time which is why I wanted firekitten’s reasoning

I also dislike how you’re putting words in my mouth and sheeping solic

Quite sure, yes. We’re just trying to get reads and analysis from him for now.

Tbh Maxi is a null read for me

The defence couldn’t get him town cred as Squid could have been the opposing faction

Everything else is also NAI

Ok that works too

I mean that is confirmed true so he is null for me too.

/Vote Merc

All his post just to seem like scum trying to pass by memeing.

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I can confirm myself tonight. All I ask is for no butlers/drunk to visit me tonight. If you do, I am going to assume you are an Invoker.

I’m going to try to help because I think that I’m being useless.

This is what I got:

Best reads (awful reads)
Sarun - Town ~ Is leading town and says solic is confirmed to them.
Solic ~ Is confirmed by Sarun
Squid - Scum ~ They are contradicting themselves a lot.
Max - Scum ~ They are just accusing their accusers.

I find them saying im suspicious as hell and then not having read on me sus

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Ngl. This actually seems decent.

The fact that they feel a need to help makes me think they aren’t scum as even though scum wants to seem like they are Town by helping, it’s kinda obvious that he’s townie now. New people usually are very obvious as scum and I don’t think he would do this as scum.

/Vote Squid

Plus he can confirm himself tonight.

I erased this as I unvoted later.

I’m bacc. Read stuff so will /unvote for now.

You’re read as neutral now because I find it to be balanced. Hence why you’re not in the list.

Your vote is still on noone though.

I tell you what, if I get lynched and I flip as scum, then I will declare myself as the worst scum in existence and leave the forums for good

Tbf I think Merc’s just new so that’s why

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