SFoL 32: Siege on Xed 2 (version 3.0) - Green Kraken Victory

you’re colorblind

you’ve passed my red check

you have failed my red check

Is this soft claim Cult or what?

Seems like it

Its gray.

i didn’t ask what color you thought it was
i asked if it was red
you fail


/vote MaximusPrime

Eh, let’s back to our buisiness.

Hm reasons marl?


so it was a reaction test

/vote Marl

sO wHaT iS rVs?

this might be the red check Marl found

/vote @Luxy

Hey dude. I think i saw NK visiting you last night and you didn’t die. What do you have for your defence?

Is Twil1ight a fool? :thinking:

randomly accusing people!

no she’s probably some sort of GK

also i wont claim
it’s not a conventional red check
but i do have evidence that makes maximus prime look suspicious

/vote Maximus

add to the flames