SFoL 32: Siege on Xed 2 (version 3.0) - Green Kraken Victory

You just hardslipped as scum marl

yes but Marl will usually die fast early on, especially when he is the hardcounter

I really doubt Evil or NK would claim Bard. lel

I said “for now.”

Please add me to your chat!
I wanna talk about music, I can confirm you and in the end you can confirm me too

Is it normal for Marl to stay silence now?

i was eating breakfast

Question. Why Marl shouldn’t be in chat first?

Im off to bed now.

Night everyone

night Pug

please inform me how a green kraken member slips as scum


I im still alive youll be added next for now im adding marl


Nice grammar my dude.

I typed to fast lol


No class is able to see neuts & unseen

Tech you do realize the bard’s abilities are the same as the versifier correct
you’re not at all in the clear


N1 i was punished how would i be a n1 convert