SFoL 32: Siege on Xed 2 (version 3.0) - Green Kraken Victory

if I can’t then it’s reverted

But, we all knew that

What SFoL has a jailor that doesn’t have only 3 uses on same person?

Every single one

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Dad, why are you up so late? Get some sleep

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(How much longer is night?)

Shh I’m sleeping

2 hours

Deus Vult!

(I’ve never seen a 27 hour night before :face_with_raised_eyebrow:)

@Pug it should be day time now

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alright then.

Suddenly the morning bell had stopped ringing, you all woke up yourselves and you then realized why.

Techwolves was found dead this morning.

He was The Versifier / s

nah lol he was actually

The Bard

No logs were found.

Day 3 has begun

Whoever fucking redirected me, i hate you

@Marluxion Im triggered greatly

@Insanity Post your results after you u will got here. Thanks.

Twi, lovee meeeee

If you want tell me what u did, dont go to though

I’m not planning to do that. Lel
I’m waiting for Insanity and Marl to come up with results, especially Insanity.
NK is either inactive or Electro probably. /shrug

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I actually think its a demon