SFoL 32: Siege on Xed 2 (version 3.0) - Green Kraken Victory

Okay, then literally explain how luxy knew livicus used a day ability.

get rekt.

why dont u ask her and not me? lol

Because itā€™s impossible for them to know that (they are a he btw) without being that. You literally just had the worst luck tbh.

Hereā€™s a thing. According to those posts Lucy thought I was Navigator who tracked along with Insanity same target. Scum doesnā€™t have any benefits with CCā€™ing that and potentially be hanged cuz he claimed impossible.
For me youā€™re very likely to be a fraud.

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Also they knew livicus used a day ability.

sry luxy for assuming your gender.

and yes, i do have the worst of luck sometimes.

Well, sorry for rolling Unseen, bucko. I hope you will be better next time.

I was planning on using that day ability argument later but you forced my hand tbh by saying we have bad scumreading skills.

I suck at scum reading Iā€™m in fact bussing my teammate /s

get ready for your scumreading to be proven wrong later. and thanks for the quotes. :smiley:

I do too but we canā€™t let him know that

For real though @pug you need to balance the game a little better, honestly I donā€™t think unseen/cult need a hard counter as thatā€™s mechanical confirmation and I want to get better at scumreading :wink:


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I never said youā€™re scum 100% but sure. Also insulting me wonā€™t get you anywhere I assure you.

im not insulting. u just seem really sure of yourself that i am scum.

You just said I failed to recognise you as Town even though I have a ton of reason to suspect you.

im sorry you take that as an insult. suspect me as you wish, i have no way of proving my innocence as of today.

Just give me your case about why we should consider Insanity or Luxy as fake not you.
Youā€™re not really defending yourself and if youā€™re Green Kraken you hurt your faction to let us misslynch/kill you.

Giving up so easily doesnā€™t seem very Townie, you know?

thank you for the scumreading 101.

It wasnā€™t a reaction test I just wanted a plunder tbh. Can a plunder organizer give me a plunder or?