SFoL 32: Siege on Xed 2 (version 3.0) - Green Kraken Victory

quick ability namechange for thematic reasons

Lookout Pole is now named Crow’s Nest


@Pug, well I guess I will backup. Incase of emergencies.

@Sam17z As I didnt see your signup. I will push you to the front of the backup list as you were before them



You already did tho?

STOP DRINKING COFFEE IT BANNED ON THIS SHIP XD sorry godot is funny but annoying cause of how much he hates trite

/confirm confirmed lookout ingame

Night 1 has begun. It will end on. Y’all may use night abilities.

August 27, 2018 10:16 PM




Thank you Memesky, very cool

Would you mind if I ended night early so I could actually start day when I didnt just wake up

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters


Day 2 has begun and nobody had died last night. You may now talk

I have a red check on someone

Hehehe, I also found something useful last night.
/vote Livicus

My red check is also not on livicus

What did you find, /Vote Livicus

Choo choo

If this was suppose to be “red check”, why you don’t tell us? :thinking:

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because i dont know who it’s on yet

I’m assuming you’re soft claiming Investigative?