SFoL 32: Siege on Xed 2 (version 3.0) - Green Kraken Victory

Why hard counter got a Neutral check? That’s dumb as shit.

Sailor is NOT a hard counter/

but yeah, basically I am nerfing PI

Why does private investigator have it

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I meant HARD counter which I obviously mentioned PI and Stealthy.


Private Investigator’s night abil will just check if the target is NS/Unseen

It’s a tough life being a neutral, then a scary investigator can’t tell the difference between a poor alch and an assassin

Pug, seperate Neutral and Unseen and Cult

and make it so that you can only change your check type once every even day

AKA you can fuck up and think its an unseen game and never get a good result


Also fix jail keeper (3 times per person)

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GK and Neutral / 2 Neuts / 2 GK / 2 Unseen

[x] and [y] are both NS!

GK/Neut and one Unseen

One of [x] and [y] are Unseen

Also as an additional nerf to the day abil, they will get their day results at the end of the next night just so the double check aint entirely known.

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But other then that it looks good obviously we need more changes though not on the top of my head

Buff masterminds plunder



Generally sweet Mastermind need a buff. :frowning:

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Examples target a unseen member if you ever die they replace you, they will have all your passives and appear NS that night

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it is too strong if you can find 2 unseen in 1 night.
Allowing them to at least have a break if one of them isn’t exed

An Theory Plunder:

“Choose player. After you die they will become next Mastermind, it fails if target is unconvertable.”

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Deck hand is the only thing I could claim without much suspicion .-.

Should have claimed first mate tbh

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I do really like this one

Is this lolreactiontest

It’s not, you out the real class and you can say it was a bait

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