SFoL 32: Siege on Xed 2 (version 3.0) - Green Kraken Victory

okay that’s not fishy as hell or anything

Marl, just saying you’re not converted doesn’t mean you’re not converted

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Thats even worse, no fucking person would visit PKR n1, since I fucking prevented visits to him.


O’kay so are you guys tunneling me?

So insanity is like the most confirmed scum out there


there are ways to prove i’m not converted though

No, we’re tunneling who you were white knighting now and just keeping you occupied lololol

Is this true?

Possibly :wink:

Pls dont execute me thx, im mercy boi to a bad target

I’m not white knighting .-.

I still got results from PKR last night. :thinking:

What results?

Yoi forget that you dont visit?

I can still visit him, duh.

I dont?

Either way, if im lying or not, Insanity still backtracked heavily and hasn’t really made a return from “the prevention”

Marl is our senpai

Pkr is our salt lord