SFoL 32: Siege on Xed 2 (version 3.0) - Green Kraken Victory

Also @Captain is your Captain. THIS IS NOT RIGGED, kthxbye


Oh alright thx for hackz

you’ll get your alignment once you confirm kthxbye so confirm rn

Alright /confirm idk what this captain does


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Alright so i checked class cards thread and how does plunder work ? I didn’t understand that

Give me plunder

Owo wut ? I still need to learn how it works first

That is my fault for not reading it completely.It is simply a buff

Well, Plunder allows for people to use a special ability which is otherwise unusable.
But evils do have these abilities too so ye need to be careful.

/confirm this will be interesting

Plunder me senpai


How can i read someone town-read d1 ? It is better me to don’t use it d1 for now

btw night one will start once everyone has confirmed.

I’ll allow day actions to be sent in n1 tho for specific classes

Alright daddy.Are you confirmed scum or confirmed town ?

Hes confirmed cat

/firming my con

/modding my error

I am confirmed town give me plunder