SFoL 32: Siege on Xed 2 (version 3.0) - Green Kraken Victory

You voted me though.

and that is a lot of OMGUS

I totally didnā€™t misread that

Please can you just give Margaret a Plunder? That would make her job way easier to find NK.

Give me the plunder pity me

whatā€™s her plunder

Twi, I get it already. You want plunder.

You wasted a golden opportunity, Catsdermind

Eh, no I donā€™t since Unseen is busted. WHICH IS WHY I ASKED YOU TO SWITCH TARGETS.

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I feel like FKā€™s slightly late convert should go through to keep the game moving and make it challenging

that would suck for whoever gets converted into loss

which could be you, considering the flowchart is a thing

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I literally asked for this btw which is why I said I was waiting for pug but htm said no.



Pity me with a plunder


Whatā€™s the Tos here

Itā€™s sad Marl isnā€™t here to see this

Are you serious?

Term Of Service.
Town Of Salem

@Kirefitten if itā€™s me, then I donā€™t want it to go through, if itā€™s anyone else, maybe :stuck_out_tongue:

Vote Bin

No plunder :frowning:

Is Margaret my merc?