SFoL 32: Siege on Xed 2 (version 3.0) - Green Kraken Victory


Wild > Standard Change my mind

Kezan Mystic!

Chief Inspector

also that card was a swingy bs nutshell

Counterspell counters a spell, not a hero

Actually powerful but not OP. Regardless I love this card.
Draw Patches from Prince Malzeehar

It counters Coin. Lul

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but you donā€™t need to play coin on turn 6 if your enemy played arcane golem


What does that mean :thinking:

Still worse than Boar Control.

okay fair

Town!Litten now is good.
So I wouldnā€™t put Scum!Litten past just telling the truth

I donā€™t get it, why wouldnā€™t I lie.

As I think you genuinely failed convert due to lack of deaths

@Soulshade55r You have a permission, to jail Firekitten cuz heā€™s confirmed MM.

Vrooom Vroom

Operation: Raiding School Bus has begun!

/vote Overthebin :bus:

@Soulshade55r change of plans, I got confirmed as merc and you are suppose to jail anyone else tbh

/Vote OverTheBin:oncoming_bus::hammer:

You raid a bus with a hammer right?

why u do dis, me have bad plunder

But it suits you well, Celeste