SFoL 33: The Golden Dragon 2 - Golden Dragon, Diseased and Neutral Queen win!

*Blizer’s replacement.

Vote Count

Accused Votes Count
Lightsin Mathblade, Sarun 2/8

Frankly, I’d like to at least get more information from Light by now.

/vote Lightsin


Oh well.

If your gonna vote me plz get Marg next. She seems scummy

That’s not how a townie would act, townies wouldn’t accept defeat so easily.

As well a mage and medic should be on marl and the queen can guard someone else while the mage rewinds marl so he is healed the next night as well.
/Vote Light

Vote Count

Accused Votes Count
Lightsin Mathblade, Sarun, Firekitten 3/8

Want info?

What a joke

Especially with all the damn secrecy around in this game

I can give you my reads, other then that, nothing much

Tis truly a shame Joker did not have the time within 72 hours to write his singular line of librarian result


I’d imagine we could do with more mechanical information, tbh.

@Solic did anything happen to you last night?

He checked meme, aka our spy.

You wanted info?


You’ve still been dodging the questions why you’ve tried voting Solic. We want answers, not excuses.

And if you were GD, you wouldn’t be hiding this. Honestly, the amount of people working together is 0. Which is why I’m accepting defeat. Because we’ve already lost

We haven’t though, literally there is no reason for you to be accepting defeat which is why I’m suspecting you.

It’s D3 and we’re 15/16…


Panic creeps up my spine. What was my life for if I was to only end up dying to some reptilian freaks?

It’s exactly my point.

We have no one working together, we have 2 people not giving answers, we have a person pardoned though they never claimed(info helps GD). Unless we pull ourselves out of this mess, we won’t get out…

We still have a chance, don’t get me wrong, but it’s gonna be hard to get with our current stage.

True, which is why we have a chance

1 person has died ONLY 1. Stop acting like you already lost and try to do something instead of letting people vote you.

Of course I’m also hiding information for a reason but it’s a good reason don’t worry.

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If it’s me, then I haven’t noticed out of ordinary

@Marluxion it will make sense from one perspective but you got forced pardon vote when Solic is brought on trial right? However something doesn’t add up.

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