SFoL 33: The Golden Dragon 2 - Golden Dragon, Diseased and Neutral Queen win!

Charging Mass Ping Powers

@Icibalus @Frostwolf103 @Lightsin @Alice @Solic @GamerPoke @Htm @Memesky Send Celeste to space, she took away Marlā€™s vote to execute!

Wait she did?

I remember her doing that once as scum

Do yall even know what class youā€™re accusing me of being

Wait what

Stop spreading misinformation lul


Why did you take Marlā€™s vote away?

Did I ever say I did?

Hey Elder

Give us some words of wisdom

Or did you instantly assume that I did

You said this right after I asked if someone removed Marlā€™s ability to vote

Like, lets be honest here. Until yall actually think for once and decide on what class i am if im scum, most of the actual town people that read wonā€™t vote execute

But, did I ever say I removed it?

Or are you just assuming I did?

So go through the options and chooss what scum I am so that u please the people that actually read

You acted like you did it >:(

Thats an assumption.

But you literally responded to my reactions as if you actually did it

But did I ever say I did?

@Margaret if youā€™re the elder then stop fake claiming Mage

There once was a philosopher who asked only questions as responses to non-enlightened questions.