SFoL 33: The Golden Dragon 2 - Golden Dragon, Diseased and Neutral Queen win!

In response to night actions upon him,

  • Reptilians know that Lightsin isn’t too useful in terms of abilities
  • Reptilians know that there are better people to convert in terms of reading potential (not dissing him)
  • Reptilians have a better convert in literally any other person as they can always quick convert a person that often has healers on them and easily get a free and safe convert
  • NK would rather kill more active people

Healer breaks the egg, that’s why @Htm should be on ici.

It’s basically a little too strong IMO but it works.

Like they could convert marl. I’ve seen it happen before, and it worked

The only perk of even touching Lightsin, is the fact he wouldnt get occupied/redirected.

Which could be very likely USELESS to them.

I feel good for being useless


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Anyways, any other conflicting statements regarding me or my mechanical information? (At the moment its just the notion I visited ici).

It’s literally impossible for you not to be bleeding if you visited ici especially since marl got the notification.

Either you or marl is lying and I’ll say it’s most likely you.

Okay is that all?

Everyone for the big shocker?

When the hell did I say I visited ici?

This is why I further believe she’s the Count here. A Reptilian wouldn’t have made such as blatant slip here.

Didn’t you claim you visited him n2?


Is that who you thought best boi was?

Then who did you visit?

Your confusing logs are just messing us up.

You have really three options

  • Marl (For being best boy on forums)
  • PoisonedSquid (For being a fellow follower of the best boi foundation of Goro Akechi)
  • Memesky (For being a fluffy weird cat thing that I can’t ever seem to figure out that may not even be in this game)
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Why would you rewind any of those options? They all seem awful.


If I wanted to refer to Ici, I would’ve called him “Fellow bastard host” fyi

Thats the point FK