SFoL 33: The Golden Dragon 2 - Golden Dragon, Diseased and Neutral Queen win!

I have a null read on him. I specifically said that he shouldn’t be healed too early as he’s in my PoE.

Okay that’s fair, I just wanted to lay out my thoughts on it too.

I mean this, just don’t hammer, I have to go to work now.

6 hours. Will you be able to make it back to hammer?

Have you read up on today? Anything you want to say/ people you want to hammer.
It bothers me when people say they’re going to read up on the thread and then do nothing

It’s my bday and I have to work. I can do some things at work, which I will do, but otherwise why the rush. The day has been short as it is. I don’t take my decision to possibly out lightly.

Also lol at scolding me for being inactive.

The posts I have made should indicate I have at least read the posts once.

Oh! Happy Birthday!


Happy birthday, then. :wink:

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No ploy to get nightkillers off my back :wink:

Birthday dayvig

I made my soft out of something and in the meantime…


Speaking of NK, do we have any reports of prevents? I get the feeling the twins are laying low. As much I want to agree with lack of kills, noone seems to be reporting about the lure thing from Siren?

The Siren’s Lure makes a GD virtually identical except with the wincon of helping the Siren achieve her goal. It’s possible that she hit a convert immune n1 and converted again last night, but most likely it’s the count

Who else can manipulate the court?

Anyone that tries

Shaman can make people depressed depending on who gets executed, count can make it so if someone dies, another person will take their place

Also Marl or Ici got sick this day yes? In case there’s diseased then we need more discussion time.


Majority is still on 5 if I remember.

if by diseased you mean envenomed, yes

That’s what he said. Why do I have feeling you’re hiding the fact you could have been envenomed since day 2? Can someone prove who visited Marl Night 2?

Just point me out if I miss something, we can’t let you get healed blindly without good faith

I do believe that nobody has stated their desire for Marl to be healed so rest assured it isn’t happening yet.

Margeret claims Mage and then Elder right?