SFoL 33: The Golden Dragon 2 - Golden Dragon, Diseased and Neutral Queen win!

About 2 Hours left in the Trial

The question is, is Reptilians going to help him or not?

He seems relatively calm for a diseased.

For day 2 yeah until he claims he got envenomed today

Heres a tip: Why would any respectable young person give up free night immunity during the first few nights to have a near-useless slave that can only do kills and their own action

If you were Elder, why didnā€™t you use the day abilities to prove yourself Day 2 and today?

Oh my fucking god

Go read over chat again

please donā€™t swear Marg

Well looks like I hit some nerves.

Guy comes in, calls the Sheriff (When it was unconvertible) the Mastermind. Instantly votes the Sheriff.

Mage with just Portal and Rewind without mention which person?


At least you read the class now, now right under it comes the people

I donā€™t understand why you hide the info thatā€™s relevant about first two nights?


Was meant to post this on FoL Changes Thread, oops

For those interested, some small reworks to make it CFoL suitable woud be required

See why I dont bother defending myself with wagonomics

Oh damnit Iā€™ll leave it there now :man_facepalming: :facepunch:

