SFoL 33: The Golden Dragon 2 - Golden Dragon, Diseased and Neutral Queen win!


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That doesnā€™t count as a visit.

Same difference.

Why not?

Firekitten, I hope youā€™re not talking with Lightsin right now.

Because it doesnā€™t, weird rules, as well frost didnā€™t get a message.

Letā€™s start

Marl: neut reads, seems a bit scummy(not really active) but was bled D2, so prob not

Frost: town lean, very aggressive

Null(seems a bit scummy at times but other times towny)

Htm: Towny(Ici reaction tester him)

Fk: Bit of town lean

Also Iā€™d be a great occultist
No wonder Ici hates me, i would be very good at fool

Lol will ask pyro when I get off of work

If it doesnā€™t count as a visit card needs changing post gsme

I have no message N2, so never mind that.

Later my friends. I must drive and perform regal duties that fund the kingdom huzzah!


@Bazingaboy @Marcus_Doodalee

Youā€™re both scum ez.

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So Baz, Light, Marcus scum team confirmed?

Thnx for the complement.

I prefer being a wolf instead of a sheep
Also Apollyon(from For Honor) would be pleased with me

Actually no, letā€™s say this one is the other starting reptilian and second is non-killing neuts, the rest are confirmed (I hope)

I hope this is not scumslip there.

Judging by the fact 2/4 games I play I get voted up(CM,GD2)

Iā€™d be a decent one

And I agree

No come on, Lightsin. Donā€™t feel too proud about yourself.

@Htm you didnā€™t happen to heal Lightsin right?

@Lightsin Logs please.

No I healed Ici

Waitā€¦what the hell.

Could it be, Lightsin is Bounty Hunter?