SFoL 33: The Golden Dragon 2 - Golden Dragon, Diseased and Neutral Queen win!

Because my voices almost certainly say Sarun is Shaman


I still scumread light but I have a very good reason for this to not go to trial until this Sarun question gets figured out

This is very important

Here I guess, I donā€™t seem to find his post when he initially said though

@Alice Explain?

Feel free to post it.

I am not judging you.

I am at work not gonna find it atm

Of course, I meant Sarun.

I can agree that weā€™re going to fast without giving thought who the other Reptilian is aside from unconfirmed players which tells nothing unless all claims were accounted for.

I am going to take break here but I leave my vote on.

That is correct. Iā€™ve been using much of the earlier portion of the game by Seancing people to create a PoE and so far Iā€™ve gotten a fair amount of people confirmed as Investigative/Support as Reptilians do not have a class that falls under those class types. My plan for today is for me to Evil Eye the strongest suspect here and then tonight Iā€™ll Soul Link them with our second strongest suspect here to double up in addition to todayā€™s lynch.

My main point here was so I could draw in eggs so the Reptilians would fail their converts here and itā€™d help end the game faster as thereā€™s no way in hell that my wincon could be satisfied unless GD stomps.

tl;dr - Baz was right, Iā€™m a GD-aligned Shaman.

My brilliance is truly radiant


vote Lightsin

Now I am good I think

Are we ready to hammer him to trial?

Although announcing your plan means scum just occupy you :frowning:

They canā€™t exactly do anything in this case.

Meditation (Passive) - Immune to death and occupation.

They can stop your Night ability.

Iā€™m immune to occupation, so Behemoths wonā€™t work here.