SFoL 33: The Golden Dragon 2 - Golden Dragon, Diseased and Neutral Queen win!

Also @Lightsin actually do you want to work together?


I have a plan



@Alice send your most sus person into me.

Three better lynches

You had me up until that statement.

@Lightsin @Alice send your most suspicious person to target me.

There is absolutely zero risk in waiting for me to die tomorrow
Roleblock me if you are concerned. Town will lose this game and Sarun will commit suicide if you Lynch me

Sarun, if I get lynched here you cannot win

@Lightsin @Alice you get what I’m doing right?

It will be impossible to hang all three lizards by d6

Then if I Evil Eye you for insurance, then will you be happy with that?

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Uh what does that ability do

Correct. IMO Light should redirect Meme to you.

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The Evil Eye (Day) - Can only be used during a trial. If the person on trial is pardoned, they will commit suicide tonight. (suicide can be healed and won’t kill death immune players). - 1 use.

I can do that.

However. I only will if I’m promised I won’t die(someone heals me)

Otherwise, I will do my normal thing

This is fine
I die tonight anyway

How about I redirect day abil and your evil eye?

Will that work?

Plz say yes luxy/psychoneirik

/vote Marluxion to bring me to trial quicker