SFoL 33: The Golden Dragon 2 - Golden Dragon, Diseased and Neutral Queen win!

Ladies and Gentlemen I rolled Queen for the first time ever YES YES YES

Nah itā€™s random quoting stage
You have to quote someoneā€™s messages out of context randomly

Iā€™ll start


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Random Queuing Stage

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Do we have a lunch or nah?

Itā€™s just the confirmation stage. We can technically use the first day for limited discussion, but since we cannot vote then thereā€™s very little information here unless someone townslips or scumslips hard.


Dinner soon

Yes we have Subway



I wanted lunch

alrighty @Marcus_Doodalee


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/replace out and give slot to Sketch


Angleshoot this Marcus rolled scum

unnecessary to look here



Wow, canā€™t believe I got my card that fast

Yup, looks like Marcus kept his promise.

GL with that

Iā€™m used to replacing into scum roles. It is my specialty, as a matter of fact!


Lemme scumslip and get super wagoned before I replace out with some weird AtE first :wink:

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Yeah, we are definitely thinking about the same game

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Any reason youā€™re fake claiming?


Btw I am Queen. It will be shown tomorrow anyway so fake claiming there is just stupid.

I donā€™t understand what Marcus is up to?

Itā€™s shown in the OP that you are queen, itā€™s shown with a crown