SFoL 33: The Golden Dragon 2 - Golden Dragon, Diseased and Neutral Queen win!

Why would I counterclaim a non unique class

Youā€™re probably occultist honestly

Oh true, max number is 3 but very unlikely to hit

I refuse to believe this is your actual town play

I highly doubt he is as Iā€™m the second neutral though. Vote up marl then evil eye him, Sarun redirect someone into me as well as @Lightsin and we can gamesolve today

Thatā€™s fine if you stay in denial


I got it

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Three non-killing neutrals are possible though.

Why are you arguing against yourself. Thatā€™s just weird.

ā€˜Probablyā€™ and honestly doesnā€™t come together

I think he also called me occultist.

Or you did. Donā€™t remember.

Well Iā€™m not the Matri so itā€™s Marl

/vote Marlarch

I did but itā€™s impossible.

Htm you are confirmed itā€™s okay.

Solic would have mentioned about the message, which he didnā€™t

Thatā€™s what a matri would say :thinking:

/Vote Marlach

Chat died suddenly

Well I am trying to count the votes.

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Also this game is very hard to win as the survivors. If a healer dies early in a reptile game you are screwed as well shaman is having a hard time here.

Then the game should essentially be gamesolved