SFoL 33: The Golden Dragon 2 - Golden Dragon, Diseased and Neutral Queen win!

Because they probably hatched yesterday since it’s day four he uses egg n1 N2 then hatch n3

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That’s not true frostwolf

Which is why we are voting on people that I’m going to kill tonight.

Come on people who is redirecting who.

And since I and Marcus got no eggs, we’re fine.

We should still kill him second, he might have been unlucky with eggs.


True but that would be N2 at the same time

Here are my logs with annotations.

D1 - Nothing

N1 - Redirect Celeste to Icibalus. Since Icibalus did not die or was converted then the most plausible explanation here is that Firekitten used Pity on him while Celeste tried to lure him. Since Firekitten is a neutral then this explains why she failed her n1 conversion.

D2 - Seance Icibalus - Support. He can’t be a Reptilian as no Reptilians fall under that class type.

N2 - Redirect Lightsin to Solic. Since Solic did get redirected and Lightsin did claim a redirecter then this proves his class type as true, but not his alignment as the Behemoth can also redirect.

D3 - Seance GamerPoke - Support. He can’t be a Reptilian as no Reptilians fall under that class type.

N3 - Soul Link Lightsin and Solic. Nothing happened here.

Not really, he wouldn’t know if he failed unless someone occupied him/redirected as it would kill a immune person so he must have hatched.

And he claims Executioner, so.

Ok then but what about the possibility Sarun doesn’t actually use evil eye. You’re NEUTRALS and @mathblade should not be trusting you to do everything 100% as you say.

Why do you not want marl hung and pardoned?

I’m only going to vote Marl up as second since he is a confirmed reptilian. We could kill a golden dragon and then lose the game.

Also his goal is to survive and end the game before D6 it’s in his best interest to use evil eye.

I don’t want everyone’s logs

Jesus it was a simple ask

Math did X
Sarun did Y
Bazinga did Z

Math did a thing
Sarun did Y
Bazinga did something

Except that I need to close the game by d6. Do you really see a scenario here where the Reptilians could viably win here before then with their low amount of kills per night?

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But you’re asking for actions RHRGRGRIOFJOFK{JFOopfam

For christ sake,

Yes? They could have 4 reptilians and 2 neutrals on their side.

Yes if the actions are confirmed it should be no problem to compile them

Sarun needs to use evil eye to end the game faster or they lose, it’s gamethrowing IMO not to use it.

As well, two deaths are going to happen tonight so tell me who you want to die as well, tell us who you think is the top 3 people to be coverted.

You’re also planning on killing me (a golden dragon) so there is no way I’m following this absolutely disastrous plan. Marl has to be the second vote and executed.