SFoL 33: The Golden Dragon 2 - Golden Dragon, Diseased and Neutral Queen win!

Part of the site culture where we have a certain subset of people who spend the entirety of d1 fakeclaiming like this. It’s pretty much why I don’t take any d1 claims seriously here.

Oh so Marcus is trolling.


it’s basically in a sense just like open wolfing except you say whatever you want

unlike FMs with D1 lynches

For example, don’t ever trust Celestes day one claim.


Correction: don’t ever trust any of Celeste’s claims


I have a strong feeling marl is scum.

Why do you think that?

If you add me to royal chat I’ll tell you why :wink:

Odds of you being added just hit 0. Congrats.

I have never been king or a role like it before so the last thing I want is someone who I can’t trust or tell when they are sarcastic in there.

You’re the second queen on the site lol, everyone’s still trying to figure out how best to play the class

It’s quite different to King in ToL/FoL being a more social variant

I mean in the app. I have literally never been king.

I have bad vibes about Marcus here.


It still plays much like the King. The difference here is only in how Heir is used. After your comment on asking for Heir I’m quite sure that it’d be a bad idea to give you heir, and I’ll leave it at that.

Oh come on, the newbie got queen

I am new to the setup
Been playing mafia a loooing time.
I think it will be okay once I get my feet wet on everyone and where they stand.

Eh, you’re not the only one here. GD is actually a relatively new gamemode here and none of us have had experience with the scum faction and the NKs here were completely revamped since the original gamemode. If you can scumread then that’s essentially all you need to play a King-like role.

See at first glance there is nothing wrong with this post but something feels off. Usually marl starts off meming about him being scum or something, but he didn’t though.

Links please?

Wait I have a better explanation of this but stick with me this is going to sound weird (I’ll try to find a link first)

Okay the specific meme he picked out is also bothering me. NOT only did he pick out a random thing ha about it being RQS, but honestly it just doesn’t seem right for him to be meming about that, I don’t actually know how to explain it