SFoL 33: The Golden Dragon 2 - Golden Dragon, Diseased and Neutral Queen win!

Today, I was really worried about things going wrong.

Iā€™m assuming they were poisoned n2 and are not notified of being healed, and gamer said they healed them n3.

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Right thanks for the updateā€¦

There are no notifications so the only way they know they were healed is by not dying. I think.

We dont talk about me forgetting anymore

Correction, I get notified Iā€™m poisoned

I was healed because I got the message again

Every time you are healed you get the message you are poisoned again

Wow, what bastard role.

But with handled right, you can send them into meat grinder.

These type of survivors roles arenā€™t actually fun, all they do is cause you stress.


More inclined to help town than scum since scum canā€™t heal them and town may let them die

If the neutral killer wasnā€™t the worst we might have had a challenging game. Most deaths are from GD on GD violenceā€¦

Also town has More numbers, meaning they can win faster

I am no help whatsoever and I got fatal fang out of all people

I will never know in daylight that Golden Dragon will be victorious

HTM or Gamerpoke will heal you.

And when I die, everything is changed.

They canā€™t, Fatal Fangā€™ed wonā€™t be cured.

Ok they wonā€™t heal you.

So now that we know itā€™s a Marl/HTM/??? scumteam, Iā€™d imagine we should be trying to find the convert.

Random Golden Dragon - Icibalus - Medic
Random Golden Dragon - Memesky - Spy
Random Golden Dragon - Frostwolf103 - Mage
Random Golden Dragon - Lightsin - Captain
Random Golden Dragon - GamerPoke - Medic
Random Golden Dragon - Bazingaboy - Elder

Here are the remaining RGD. Icibalus nor Frostwolf can be the convert as Firekitten kept redirecting everyone off Ici and thereā€™s no reason why the Reptilians would just Fatal Fang one of their own, and Poke is probably not converted as well since he was ns n2, which leads us tooā€¦

Random Golden Dragon - Memesky - Spy
Random Golden Dragon - Lightsin - Captain
Random Golden Dragon - Bazingaboy - Elder

In short, weā€™re essentially dealing with a Marluxion/HTM/Memesky OR Lightsin OR Baz scumteam.

Iā€™d take it that I already gamesolved.

They canā€™t heal him which is why they can prove themselves healing me, while we redirect scum into me forcing a no action or to cause death. If no deaths happen we confirm the healer.

Fortunately, you wonā€™t be converted for the rest of the game unless youā€™re one of the first hatched.

Since I used my day ability before they got chance to disable me