SFoL 33: The Golden Dragon 2 - Golden Dragon, Diseased and Neutral Queen win!

That is unless I am scum with him :slight_smile:

I have to leave but I like our night plan still.

Thing is Iā€™m really compelled to help you win HOWEVER now Iā€™m going with Sarun.

Cause I feel bad either way @Alice orders?

I really want both sides to win tbf

I mean, I wouldā€™ve been worse off if I wasnā€™t added to royal chat. I think that was a mistake

Alrighty then. Now excuse me while I kick ass at my job.

Watching you all flounder was fun

Eh, keep doing that and Iā€™ll keep on redirecting Marl. I have a plan.

Does it involve me being healed?

If youā€™ve used insurance, I think we can get you heals.

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I did, I really feel bad which is why I donā€™t like being a kingmaker cause I want both of them to win.

Neutrals are forced to pick a side now

Sarun explained in Royal chat why heshe is pretty much forced to side with GD

I am telling you. You all should pick reptiles.

I have foreseen what you will do.

I only scumclaim if I think I have won.

However you forgot I have emotions and I really want Sarun to win.

He can win with reptiles.

He chose not to.

See I even told Sarun my plans day one :frowning: I tried to work with him. Gave him a sample scum game of mine. I had sads

He knew you were scum king day one?

He still can you me Sarun all win with the reptiles

I laid out my scum meta for hoods. Told him what I do as scum in hoods.

I only knew when I realized

HE KNOWS IM DISEASESDā€¦wait why would he want marl dead when he knows Iā€™m obviously going to steal the heals.