SFoL 33: The Golden Dragon 2 - Golden Dragon, Diseased and Neutral Queen win!

He isn’t Town though, I literally am not backing down on this.

I will side with you @psychoneirik do reptiles win if they gain majority or they are even with Town?

You gave me your checks in the hood Marcus. You’re lying now to try to convince the neutrals to side with you. Lying is very not townie

Wait does that mean gamer is lying to me.

Well, I’m bailiff so I can do whatever the fuck I want

Also stop lying right now I refuse to believe htm is town but I will side with you

@Alice link gamer with htm so he will be forced to heal me?

I can get Icibalus to heal you you dingus

Ici isn’t a medic.

I know he’s a medic, Sarun found him as support.

I can really care less we can also force ici to heal me.

The only thing I regret is not actually pushing on marl harder D2.

I pushed him badly so you wouldn’t.

Bad bus expert here

Aka you can say he just won’t heal me but if Sarun links you with htm they are dead, they need the immunity.

Yes I’m sure it was all you

3 Neuts (Siren minion)
3 Reptiles
vs 6 GD and one has a triple pardon

Pretty sure GD can pardon this

4 counting the queen and plus 5 counting marl and then actually the other convert

In fact, that Siren minion is the reason it is impossible for Sarun to win with reptiles. Their unique wincon makes them hard to find.

*its actually 7-6 right now

Siren failed all their conversions.

So they say :stuck_out_tongue:

What’s going on?

Also I knew it.

Queen’s evil.

Pardon me HTM.