SFoL 33: The Golden Dragon 2 - Golden Dragon, Diseased and Neutral Queen win!

Get rid of the survivors though they are very stressful I literally yelled at the host due to there being a chance of no healers spawn and then having a zero chance of winning

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Kitten stop complain

Survivor bad.


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I didnā€™t think his meme would be the first meme to come to mind to him. It was a really weird thought but it felt unnatural

Before giving my thoughts on the setup here are some backstage stats:

  • NK converts = 0
  • NK kills = 0
  • Reptilian converts = 0
  • Reptilian kills = 2
  • Survivor kills = 3

To be fair all Celeste did was try to convert Marl

What about my kill? Wouldnā€™t it count as two GD kills?

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As I said, the Reptilians are too damn slow as a faction. This basically allowed GD to gamesolve even before they made their first kill.

didnt put gd kills there though so yeah

to be fair it was neuts who gamesolved

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@Margaret Your logs were fake, werenā€™t they or did it actually show me as unconvertable?

I tried Sooooo hard I am sorry guys

I shoulda scum claimed and hooded Marluxion day two but I thought he understood my signal

So fuck

Squid her logs were fake, she didnā€™t even check you

I love the classes uniqueness and unconfirmability. Makes it much more deduction oriented than vanilla ToL.

Obviously from this game I would say reduce the power of Shamanā€™sinvestigative abilities. While in theory it could be useful for the neutral to figure it out in private, in practice they usually end up outing their information to the golden dragon adding way too much information. They had more info than all of our investigatives combined pretty much. At the very least I would make it a night ability for shaman so that they canā€™t instantly clear someone who is being pressured.

I really like the diseased idea, unlike firekitten I thought it was pretty interesting to help divert heals while also clearly showing its possibility to kill a LOT of baddies.

Queens should only have one charge of insta-trial. It should be used as game ending, not as an overpowered mechanic. Had math survived tomorrow he could have trialed me and removed a GD vote instantlyā€¦ Too much of a swing of power twice in a row in my opinion.

Might have more thoughts later after reading others.

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Eh, the setup was kind of townsided, so donā€™t feel to bad IMHO.

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Ok, now that the game is done here are some observations and changes I plan to make:

Stuff I plan to change:

  • I balanced the reptilians on the best case scenario which could give them more converts than cult or unseen, but I never considered the worst case scenario which happened in this game and that is that failing a convert is extremely punishing for them, even more than other factions.
  • While Evil Queen can use her abilities to help evil, Queenā€™s abilities are way more powerful on a GD Queen.
  • Iā€™ll probably buff Siren so she is not useless if she hits a convert immune the first few nights.
  • I plan to give more killing power to matriarch instead of putting all of it on the converts.

Stuff I want to keep:

  • Before the gamesolve, there was a lot of WIFOM and panic in the court. Even though reptilians were being unlucky with their conversions, people were expecting the worse and being extremely careful. I plan to improve upon this, making reptilians a slow faction that hides better than cult or unseen.
  • Survivor roles. Due to general feedback, I will make sure that at least 5 survivors spawn each game (jk lol) Serious answer: This is a matter of preference, some people donā€™t like to play survivor roles but others do. I plan to balance survivor roles more but I donā€™t want to get rid of them. Also, roles like the shaman need some tweaks so they work with the reptilians.

Ohā€¦ā€¦ so the purity streak is still strong!

Seriously. Since I couldnā€™t win with the Reptilians due to their speed I essentially had to hard-carry GD over here.

I think the diseased has a great niche, even if Kitten didnā€™t like it.

Still feel good for calling out Sarun as Shaman btw. Paranoia for the win.