SFoL 33: The Golden Dragon 2 - Golden Dragon, Diseased and Neutral Queen win!

Make it so if scum faction and siren both go to convert the same player, Siren has priority IMO

Probs why she tried again the second night actually. Makes sense.

Nah, Scum faction should have priority

Maybe make it so eggs are only healable when hatching (for both the killing eggs and conversion)

Otherwise healers can cover a lot of ground to ensure no eggs are left on people

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And maybe on a failed convert inform if unconvertible or if occupied.

No? Why

Well if theyā€™re unconvertible they just dieā€¦ so bailiff and shaman were both theoretically killable

shaman has death immunity though

Ohā€¦ thatā€™s not good.

yeah the shaman needs itā€™s day check switched to night or removed then

Because the Reptilians live or die on conversion

Also I bypass redirect immunity doesnā€™t matter rlly

So does siren.

Shamanā€™s check was supposed to be a way of knowing what kind of ability they were redirecting. I plan to make shaman more scum sided.


but Reptilians are a faction

Siren is just a 1/2 man team

Exactly, why shouldnā€™t siren win this battle and the reptile the war?

I forgot to remove diseasedā€™s immunity bypass. The only reason he had it was because the original class was designed for ToL and healers become immune there after 3 redirects.

Itā€™s okay. Even with it being unbalanced as hell

It was still fun :slight_smile:
I like the site culture here.

Donā€™t beat yourself up. Few people even try to do this so you deserve props


Well whatever you do donā€™t remove evil eye, that ability is badass. I also like the killing a player extends your timer condition.