SFoL 33: The Golden Dragon 2 - Golden Dragon, Diseased and Neutral Queen win!

On a different note: do you guys think I should allow spectators from now on? As a host, I was having fun watching the game since some really fun stuff was happening behind the scenes and I think spectators would have enjoyed it as much. Besides, what happened in Ritual Mafia wasn’t really the spectator’s fault, so Im thinking about allowing spectator starting from my next game. Thoughts?

Of course, if I do allow them I will just give them info on a separate chat instead of inviting them to all class cards.


/Spectators In

especially after memesky incident in Ritual maf(i think)

I think if you allow spectators it’s on a first everything hidden then release stuff slowly. You then let people play and then slowly spoil

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Eh, I’d say that maybe its wincon should be the main issue to be changed IMO. I kind of played the Shaman the exact opposite of how you intended the class to be played as that’s essentially the best way to play a completely night-immune survivor here, tbh.

This way seems a lot better, IMO. It nullifies the risk of spectator-player interaction here.

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If you want to ask any other questions regarding the Shaman’s gameplay I’m all ears.

also the time limit. having shaman commit suicide makes them want to side with the faction that can win the fastest(uninformed majority)

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Err did I still get redirected despite my no-action?

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@psychoneirik spreadsheet please and thank you

In royal chat we pegged the same as everyone else, that Marl was matri and HTM was Komodo. I checked Marl d3 and he didn’t visit so I thought that was a little odd, and so concluded that we had it back to front; Marl was Komodo and HTM was the matriarch.

Speaking of which, this was my first post on Royal Chat n1 about you.

I’d say I was quite accurate here with my d1 read on you.

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I was converted that game, I’m concerned with streamlining my play now as scum as the 2 are fairly polarised like Town! PKR and Scum! PKR

Did Math tell you why he heired you d1?

Yep, in short, he saw me as the most helpful when it came to trying to learn the site culture around here and everyone’s own personal metas.

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Actually I was fairly happy being slightly scumread to throw scum off converting similar to my 28 sheriff play but more consistent. I had to whiteknight Frost pretty hard being my green check. I was going to check most likely him or Mislynch bait such as joker.

I like how with the EFoL changes the games have evolved to a more reads-based approach as opposed to mechanics. Have a look at any FoL before 14 and you’ll see the winrates of BD are insane. As such I’m taking time to develop my personal metas and this game I really tried to take @Solic 's advice from SFoL28

You weren’t redirected, you died due to an egg

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and yet you betrayed your evil brethren even though you didn’t need to end the game before day 6 anymore, smh

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Here is spreadsheet. Sorry about formatting, might also be missing some stuff since I usually copy that to my pc and do the changes there:


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