SFoL 33: The Golden Dragon 2 - Golden Dragon, Diseased and Neutral Queen win!

Its not confirmation bias, its more that your already showing your scumAI imo. I mean, you could have said different things, and focusing on the pocket, instead of the LAMIST comment of RQS and the TvS comment, already shows to me, that your trying to get on my good side, instead of scum hunting

why is everyone misusing LAMIST again aaaaaaaaa


I still dont even know what LAMIST means aaaaaaaaa

So what happened?

I will not talk an ongoing game. Bringing up an ongoing game is against site rules.


Look At Me Iā€™m So Town

Iā€¦ what?

ah okay thanks

LAMIST is essentially when someone points out their pro-town actions as a way to defend themselves against accusations. Everyone here uses that term extremely liberally.


Solicā€™s looking wolfy to me if anybody cares.

Notice that in the entirety of Solicā€™s last post he draws absoloutley zero CONCLUSIONS from any of the things he quotes. Itā€™s not a villagery thought process that leads to that imo.

I would have called it out from any other player, but it doesnā€™t strike me as AI from you. Prereads were asked and they were given.

Itā€™s not though, if someone does something nearly always as Town but never as scum then you look for that, do you not think it means anything? Also when you said it was NAI for ici are you trying to defend a town to get credit?

Then why call it out if it was NAI?


Hello! Hello! Everyone!

Just going to quote this for Ici. Also I think Squid is scum sooo


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I saw those sarcastic likes on Mathbladeā€™s post, so Iā€™m giving it to you all. You want the prereads, Iā€™m here to provide.

Solicā€™s posts have actually drawn very little conclusions from what heā€™s seen, it feels fence-sitty and like heā€™s trying to appear villagery without having to actually form reads.

@Solic youā€™ve never done this ā€œpre-readā€ thing before, could you please stop because itā€™s anti-village as fuck.


I donā€™t see how deflecting the responsibility to make actual content later benefits village, itā€™s just deliberate information instead of analysis.