SFoL 33: The Golden Dragon 2 - Golden Dragon, Diseased and Neutral Queen win!




Oh no

neirik dont give me scum please
Mathblade will tear my scumgame apart


Classes seem interesting

What you mean is don’t give me scum and Math town. If we’re buddies I am not likely to kill you right away. Although eating a scum buddy (bussing) isn’t entirely out of the question <with permission of course

I don’t bus unless there is an inherent benefit to doing so :slight_smile:

Although reptiles are known for eating their young :slight_smile:

Or their mates XD

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Can you actually try?

Sam remember last time


Last time when?

I feel very educated.

I’ve already read all the class cards so my effort ends there

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Cmon dude seriously :confused: The game is a lot of fun with a lot of effort :slight_smile:

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I’m a leader not a reader what can I say

I have literally never lost as golden dragon this will be easy don’t worry


You’ve also never lost as a reptilian I bet.