SFoL 33: The Golden Dragon 2 - Golden Dragon, Diseased and Neutral Queen win!

How exactly is remarking on MathBlade’s skill an insult?

I also see Marl, PKR, Wolfy, Vulgard, Ici, Eevee, orange, Nuke, and several other players here as very skilled at FM as well.

RIOT, Get your pitch forks and torches here folks.


Sarun still calls half the forum unskilled

I didn’t take it like that. Hell I am still a newb in terms of culture and other things on this site. I think Sarun meant it as a compliment that is all?

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Dont defend him, as a fellow good player we must riot against Sarun

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I tend not to riot against other players even as a joke. If someone struggles with jokes as I do that can be really harmful.

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Anyways, help to ze forum of lies forum where we have 2 many active mods to break rules

Just 2 more slots left before we start.

You’ll be fine. Mechanics are easy to catch up and the forum culture here is easy to understand.

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Nah just get a pitch fork and torches and start rioting

Also to learn the culture you must learn the councils.

We have the council of idiots (im the leader)
Council of necromancers (led by squid)
And council of smart people (aka who decides forum mafia stuff here)

We also have the Cultists of the RNG Dice and bastard games, solely orchestrated by me

and Ici but we don’t talk about him

Your luck is so good tbh.

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You mean Townblocs lead by Ici?

:crystal_ball: Reply hazy try again

Since when was it purple :thinking:

It has been corrupted, even disco is mad at Sarun.

Also @RHCube you seem smart why don’t you join.

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@psychoneirik just 1 more now