SFoL 33: The Golden Dragon 2 - Golden Dragon, Diseased and Neutral Queen win!

Null, right.

But apparently the answers were town or scum.

Because you called him town.

So I want the reason you did.

I actually meant to say null and now I think of it, i answered without thinking about the question and I canā€™t blame Fire or htm since both asks about Solic being town or scum but didnā€™t mention Null.

Uhmmm you said the wagon was scum driven? I donā€™t see how you get Null from that.

Scum-driven on null, duh?

If he was a null read, then why the hell did you harp on the wagon being scum driven being that there were only three people on it? Your reasoning makes absolutely zero sense whatsoever.

/vote Frostwolf103

Youā€™ve yet to explain why you think the wagon may have been scum-driven despite that it had no steam behind it.

You still could have said he was null. There was no reason not to use it if you think that way

Itā€™s being scum driven because he himself is driving himself into his grave


Maybe you are just burying the fact that I suspect you or Ici for starting Reptilian Social?

Also wtf?

Except thereā€™s no mechanical evidence nor reads that suspect this.

Thatā€™s hilarious.

/vote Frostwolf

This has gone on long enough.

Your highness does not understand your theory as presented and finds it necessarily flawed if I understand your pitch

There is actually evidence against it :wink:

Then explain the logic behind why you believe either me or Icibalus is a Basilisk?

So much for letting things develop naturally.

That two-person private chat that Spy and Baslisk uses and the difference is in the passive, I actually asked YOU why you havenā€™t suspected Ici about that if you are not the Spy?

They did. Frostwolf hung their own grave.

They are saying Secret Codes is what Sarun is doing with the reptilian passive. I am pretty sure that is impossible

They are not backing up their statements on Solic. They instead try to gaslight.

I gave Frostwolf enough rope to hang himself

Good luck continuing to push that.

Despite me telling you youā€™re wrong.

  1. Secret Code/Reptilian Link CANNOT prove/disprove alignments mechanically.
  2. Neither of us is a Spy.