SFoL 33: The Golden Dragon 2 - Golden Dragon, Diseased and Neutral Queen win!

I already told them to you though, you just need to look at the thread. I haven’t been quiet at all about it.

my skill level is best described as inconsistent, but that’s besides the point.

Frost is a soulread but a soulread I believe in definitelly. it’s my first true soulread so I can’t comment on the accuracy of it but I don’t want Frost lynched today.

It’s because I wasn’t really pushed in 6d6. If you require a comparison game, I’ll redirect you to Triple Threat where Marl tried to CFD unto me. If Sarun wasn’t vouching for you, I could swear it’d be scummy to exacerbate it to being “so acidic”

you were in a v/v deathtunnel with Wolfy for the entire game and that’s not you being pushed?

A single person pushing can do nothing to you. I wasn’t scared of Wolfy, because I thought my arguments were better. Multiple people here have echoed that I’m an Occultist however.

…you do realize that Occulists here are the FoL equivalent of Fool, right?

Yes, so multiple people were of the opinion that I’m scummy, so that is actual pressure. That is my point.

Do I sense another person that won’t answer my question? At least FK answered it, but Solic… I hate repeating myself. This is Deja Vu all over again

No, Solic, you don’t take this acidic tone when you’re village. I saw you then and you were effectively in exactly the same situation here in terms of pressure.

You also don’t FAKE an acidic tone as a Jester-yer-like, either, because that’s beyond your capabilities at the moment, no offense.

I’m getting to it. I can’t type faster than nonstop.

Then where do I take this acidic tone as scum? hmm? Riddle me that.

Then why did you answer other people’s questions first despite them asking after I asked my question?

Squid what was the purpose of asking me what I thought of frost.

when you’re wolf and you’re being pushed and trying to deflect back onto somebody else, you take a tone that is very agressive and somewhat sarcastic because that’s what you’re thinking emotionally at that time.

Because Frost has a 100 posts and the other things are easier to answer.

It seems you’re less focused on him and more focused on me. Despite you giving your opinions on Frost, they’re minimal and don’t really explain a whole lot. You’ve also taken things out of context to make me look more scummy

when you’re town and people are misreading you, other people sheep onto the misreads of those people and then scumread you for not being as active as normal even though you fucking announced it. I get a little snarky. I’m not sorry for that.

What were the things I have taken out of context.

You haven’t mentioned the reasoning on why I was getting irritated on Frost’s actions and thus placing my vote on him. The reason I did it is because it took him far too long to answer my simple as hell question and answering others questions despite mine coming before them. Saying that my vote was completely unjustified is complete bullshit

@Icibalus hi do u hate me very important question to determining something