SFoL 33: The Golden Dragon 2 - Golden Dragon, Diseased and Neutral Queen win!

Why not?

I wasnā€™t talking about Frost, but again, Iā€™ll say this:

your evidence is invalidated by meta and I personally soulread Frost as village

This makes it seem like youā€™re convinced Iā€™m lock scum then why arenā€™t you voting me? And if you will, please motivate your argument more than this toneread argument.

Because certain abilities town and scum have only work on people with / without royal blood. By hiding who has the blood scum donā€™t know who to NK and they donā€™t know how to fake claim results.

read a few village games from Frost and youā€™ll realise he does this PR fishing stuff all the time as both allignments. Same thing on the backtracking, although he does that less often.

ā€¦Solic, Iā€™ve been voting you since yesterday.


Oww that is my bad.

If he does it as both alignments why is this one town?

Again this is not going anywhere.

I have to work

because the universe whispered into my ear that his rolecard was yellow or some shit, idk but Iā€™m just feeling like Frost is village and that this wagon is a waste because itā€™s got (if we ignore the soulread) from my perspective a 65% chance of flipping village, unlike Solic who is almost certainly wolf here

Well then, care to comment on what I said in response to your arguments?

Personally, I feel Solicā€™s comment on automatically reading Frost as Town is a bit off. Anyone can admit to being a VI after doing Scummy actions. Scum are no exception to that

Please support this and actually point out what is off. Why are you talking to the rest of the group instead of addressing me anyways? Do you want to see if you can form a wagon on me before actually committing to it?

Youā€™re saying that there is not a stark tone difference in how you accused Mthejoker and Frost? Because that was the point of that argument.

How the hell is this natural? Thatā€™s a typical sign of backtracking. There wasnā€™t even resistance from Frost before he made that comment

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Itā€™s there for a reasonā€¦ which I canā€™t say

Also do I really have to read the 372 new posts?

Iā€™m still not convinced why Frost is scum from any of this. When several people tell you that your role fishing is idiotic, I would feel inclined to drop it as well. His resistance is shown by having a butload of posts about the classes he could possibly be. Cool how you donā€™t reply to all my posts on you too.

Yes or sheep me and vote Squid.

Why Squid?

Can you at least explain why you thought that one comment Frost made was ā€œnaturalā€?