SFoL 33: The Golden Dragon 2 - Golden Dragon, Diseased and Neutral Queen win!

Oh no, I am not town just according to you - well be glad I was mistaken about Sarun

itā€™s not a proper gladiator unless its a loyal wolf gladiator tbh

Obviously, I am not. Are you refusing to participate in this, because you canā€™t motivate your suspicion on Frost? :eyes:

Itā€™s also little bit idiotic about Solic and me in same scum team like - heā€™s just null to me.

iā€™m just going to continue screaming that Solic is openwolfing until you guys lynch him, I guess

is there actually a gladiate mechanic that i missed

solicā€™s reads arenā€™t ever this bad as wolf

his classic mislynch deathtunnel is his biggest towntell

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unfortunately no, queen can just insta-trial so in a ways after first trial she can gladiate


iā€™m still waiting for this Ici. You can shade me all you want, but donā€™t ignore things I say.


are you tired of living wolf

No, reads are just wrong.

Like I read it wrong on Sarun just for good reason

which posts did i forget to sarcastically respond to

You know that my lynch deathtunnels have hit scum too.

Their hit to miss ratios havenā€™t been very promising

Go backread Ghost Town
Iso squid
Her tone shifts that entire fucking game
even early
she was town

your tone has been consistenyl acidic and wolfy that it isnā€™t in your village game
and it took you FAR too long to get an actual read unlike usual

This is just confirmation bias from one of my most recent games. I death tunneled Captain in adjective forum mafia too. That was all me.

now iā€™m not saying squidā€™s tone shifting is a town tell
but itā€™s just not alignment indicative