SFoL 33: The Golden Dragon 2 - Golden Dragon, Diseased and Neutral Queen win!

I mean Sarun Ici Me Kitten Marcus really none of us? eyebrow

Is that your townbloc? :eyes:

Since they waited until n2 to Envenom Marl, I think theyā€™re trying to strongman him.

Yolo venom wouldnā€™t work as our healers are still alive.

Itā€™s a majority of the hyperposters. I have a good feeling on a majority of them yeah.

So donā€™t waste a heal on Marl tonight then.

if marl was envenomed then at least one of the wolves is among:


because out of the playerlsit those are the only ones who would do something as frankly idiotic as poisoning marl
like seriously thatā€™s legit a terrible move for wolves if Marl really is envenomed


Which is why I think it is fake.

Sheep Marge with me then.

Vote Count

Accused Votes Count
Lightsin Sarun, Firekitten 2/8
Margaret Lightsin, Solic 2/8
bazingaboy htm 1/8
Marluxion Mathblade 1/8

wolves have basically tipped their hand if marl flips village

Does not compute.

If Meme is a wolf then the RR is Basilisk. This confirms that the RR is a Komodo.


Plus Memesky knew Ici had royal blood

Iā€™M TIRED OKAY i came up with that list with my eyes half-closed


So by mechanics this clears Memesky unless heā€™s a Count.

Seems about right but with the lack of kills I am leaning that way.

I think a newb got Count.

Mainly I donā€™t trust lurkers. Come out here and post people. Something fishy is going on.

Sometimes I am amazed at my inability to read, all right.

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Honestly that looks like a slip to not be NK, as I donā€™t see frost doing that elaborate plan to mistaken a count game like that

any villageslip that dosenā€™'t come from a well-construed reaction-test is completely invalid and everybody knows that