SFoL 33: The Golden Dragon 2 - Golden Dragon, Diseased and Neutral Queen win!

Not according to the OP. Ask questions in your classcard, Litten.

Lacking from these Bribes and Blackmailing right?

Personally I probably wouldn’t heal marl now that I think about it. He doesn’t claim an important class and people are suspecting him so him dying would help us.

If anything I would still heal ici/Sarun. More leaning on Sarun as he can mechanically confirm soemone as not the NK/Reptile which would be a lot more helpful.

If anything I would rather the queen guard ici if they want.

Also the captain plan doesn’t work I was thinking of another class

Correct. And if GD1 was an indication, then they’d have outed themselves way earlier in the game.

Same, at this rate since he’s already under suspicion and we lack his claim then not healing him would help us with the PoE.

Right and we might have also been fooled by that relationship except no one is trying to play the prosecutor unless it’s non-killing neutral that’s not prosecutor

If there was a lawyer and stuff I would expect the chat to have a lot more agressive people in it tbh


Almost did.

So wait

Should Marlio be healed?

He shouldn’t because it helps with POE, in all honestly Sarun should be healed and the queen should guard ici.

No Medics heal Marl then

Unless he claims something important. @Marluxion if you are important then claim or you won’t get any heals

If Marl is still alive tomorrow, heal him. Envenom lasts for three days

No, the point is to get rid of someone suspicious, the fact is they probably wanted to divert our healers or marl is lying.

If anything I haven’t been announcing my guard choice(s) or lack there of and I don’t plan on starting now.


What on earth is THAT supposed to mean you swine. Don’t refer to me like that ever again. You’re beneath me in every way.

Why did you Royal someone d1?

Hypothetically IF I royaled another person d1 it is because I believed them to be town.

And if I didn’t then I didn’t.

I mean what are you expecting out of this question? Around 11-12 magical illuminations appear highlighting the way and breaking open the game?

Yes I was actually, thanks for asking /s

You said earlier you, Ici and another person had deliberated privately, you cannot use multiple day abilities in one day, ergo, you must have someone else who was added d1.

I believe it would’ve been better to wait until you have more than gutreads to start heiring people. Maybe that’s just me.
It shows that you’ve put more trust in your own ability to read then collectively of the court.

Except it’s day three.