SFoL 33: The Golden Dragon 2 - Golden Dragon, Diseased and Neutral Queen win!


does this

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itā€™s a much worse fool, AND they can claim day two and make two sus people vote them

If you donā€™t correct anyone, we canā€™t really tell. :eyes: Iā€™ll get it right now though.

How about enjoy the game instead come up with examples from nowhere?

hey if itā€™s not so good, Psycho can change it

no harm done

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Yes you can.

All this gender talk reminds me of Skulduggery Pleasant, specifically this one moment in book 5 where the protagonist gets their heart sealed by some kind of creature that is neither he nor she, but an it

I donā€™t think changing now is possible. Itā€™s too close to the beginning of the match right now, so~

Am I male?:thinking:

I mean for next golden dragon

and Blizer why are you making things complicated

It usually applies to creatures with god powers or something like that. And they may be from space.

XD feels bad man

Iā€™ll assume specifically you are a male unless you tell me otherwise

That class used to commit suicide on day 4 but I changed it since people didnā€™t like that.

psycho are you still rolling classes?

Im sending classcards now.

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Youā€™re a duck.
