SFoL 33: The Golden Dragon 2 - Golden Dragon, Diseased and Neutral Queen win!

I would blacklist Luxy as a host if he forgot Margaret was actually an occultist

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If I am heiring tonight I sent that in as well. I am afk for tonight starting now and not back until 10-12 my time which is 5-7 hours

Vote Count!

Decision Voters Count
Execute Marcus, MathBlade, bazingaboy, Firekitten 4/8
Pardon N/A 0/8

She made me check -_-


Normally I would do a creepy face likeā€¦



Thatā€™s not creepy thatā€™s gorgeous

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Mission accomplished then :wink:

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Well itā€™s better than an rule 63 Ace A.Attorney MLP rip

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Celeste is basically open wolfing imo

Youā€™ll see when i flip lololol

Im sorry what

@Margaret I give you persimmon to post that thing

@Htm where did you go?

o yes

thank u

There we go

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/execute thy ass to tarnation


Iā€™m busy rn

Also I have nothing else to add atm

Repeating the night plan incase people donā€™t remember.

Medics heal ici 100% not healing them is bad especially since they could have a egg on them, they are confirmed to be golden dragon and healing them will keep it as such.

killers should target solic/light like Sarun said.

And other protectives (are there others) should target Sarun gamer Marcus.