SFoL 33: The Golden Dragon 2 - Golden Dragon, Diseased and Neutral Queen win!

The court has condemned Celeste to death!

Murmurs emerged from the crowd as the woman was forced up onto the gallows. She smiled at the crowd.

“Whoa, it’s the prettiest girl in the town; Celeste!” exclaimed a peasant.

"Yeah, I heard her singing and I was blown away, it was so entrancing…" reminisced his friend.

As the bailiff walked up to the stand, he turned to the guard on his right and whispered,

“This is the one who’s behind the killings? This lowly wench?” The Guard muttered agreement, not wanting to cause any trouble.

“Well then…” he continued, “let’s get on with this.”

The crowd suddenly silenced, as they saw the beautiful woman have her head placed into the noose. A shrill screech broke through the silence. The woman’s skin turned grey. She bared her fangs and jumped onto the executioner, taking a bite out of his neck. He stopped struggling immediately. The Siren then turned her attention onto one of the guards, lunging at him. Mass hysteria filled the hoard of peasants as they struggled to escape the crowded courtyard.

"Kill the monster!" Shouted a guard.

Biting the neck of the first guard, silencing him, she turned around and jumped forward at the incoming soldier, knocking his lance to the side. Screeching, she wrestled him to the ground. She edged her face closer to the man’s neck.


The Siren fell limp, the bailiff’s halberd in her back.

"What was that… thing?" muttered the Bailiff, as he turned to disperse the crowd…

Celeste has been lynched. She was a…


The Siren
Neutral Killer
Charm (Passive) - You are immune to death for the first 3 nights or until you convert your first minion, whatever happens first.
Siren’s song (Passive) - You and your minion can speak at night. If you would die at night (including death by poison/bleeding/venom), your minion will die in your place.
Siren’s Gaze (Day) - Select a player. If they can be converted you will know their class type. Can be used on day 1. - 4 uses.
Lure (Night) - Select a player, if they are a convertible GD class you will convert them into a minion. They will keep their previous abilities, but their goal will change to “Make sure the Siren wins.”. If you already have a minion, your current minion will die (this cannot be healed or prevented in any way) - 3 uses. You will not lose a charge of this ability unless a player is converted.
Attack Order (Night) - Send your minion to attack a player, in addition to their chosen night action. If you don’t have a minion you will attack them yourself - Unlimited uses.
Goal: Defeat the main factions and any neutrals that dare stand in your way.


Night 3 Has Begun and Will end in 24 Hours, Send in your Night Actions Now!

Due to the execution of Celeste for treason against the Golden Dragon, her room was searched later that night…

We found the following logs in her room:

Celeste's Logs

D1. Siren’s Gaze - Firekitten - Unconvertible…?
N1. Lure Marluxion - Sht, redirected
D2. Siren’s Gaze - Scum17z - Unconvertible…?
N2. Lure Marluxion - Unconvertible
D3. Siren’s Gaze - Poisonedsquid - Unconvertible
What is my luck?
I left my log since i have no reason to not out the scum/neutrals
Im super salty I got the Siren as its like impossible to win as. Look at any of the GD roles and realize I can’t just out myself as really ANY of them. I either get rekt through a counterclaim, forced to be lynched later, or lastly get outted via the fact that once I have to claim ANYTHING i cant prove myself, the one thing I can claim which is Princess-Equiv only exists in scum factions. **I thought hard thinking about whether I should claim a Neutral role over a flipping town role. Thats how bad I believed the Siren’s fakeclaim game was. Siren is similar to an underpowered possessor that can’t swap their role to other people. (Which is why possessor changes happened).


Night will be extended until psychoneirik wakes up. Probably about 2 - 3 Hours from now.


Day 4 has started. No bodies were found. Day will end in 72 hours or earlier if someone is lynched/after 2 trials.

Reminder: No results = “You slept peacefully”

Okay, either Celeste’s lying or I’ve been implanted with an egg. I really don’t like the second possibility (Unless if someone healed last night in which case, thank you)

I hope the investigative types have considered checked me and/or Firekitten that night.

Even if mage have used portal trick on Ici, The Diseased uses Pity ability

therefor it won’t help that way, fortunately I believe I am mistaken about Marl being Diseased.

I don’t think it would work like that, as that wouldn’t make you unconvertible.

Also you said you had information? What is that information @PoisonedSquid

I thought Solic had info about PoisonedSquid last day.

Apparently squid has information and solic has info on squid.

I want squid to say their information.

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The priest says “Man I have had a long day …I want some wine.”
The voodoo master says “Nah I will wait for the cops don’t want to be arrested for public drunkenness”
The cop walks in and says “Fuck I don’t want to arrest the priest for public intox”
The priest says “Well jilliki whiskers I don’t wanna say you there done did a sin for cursin”

The king walks in and pardons them all and declares it a holiday huzzah!

I am glad we got the neutral killer by the way, can we discuss what’s in her logs?

sigh The information was about Frostwolf yesterday (I wanted to see if he was bleeding)

Now, as of last night, it’s about Solic and I want to see happens to him

What do you mean information about frost? Why would he be bleeding?

Squid claims Executioner apparently.

I softed it many times, but if I really have to explain it to you. I’m a Royal Guard