SFoL 33: The Golden Dragon 2 - Golden Dragon, Diseased and Neutral Queen win!

Random Reptillain
Random Golden Dragon
Non NK Neutral

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Lightsin is POE scum

And omg yes you have to read.

Weā€™ve said that the past hundred times youā€™ve asked

i have a red check on you, thatā€™s what

get it
i claimed a red check while somebody was catching up!


Firekitten canā€™t vote.

So we have class that redirects and disable votes.

sigh Silly Royal. Have a juice box and feel better and call me when sane in the morning.

I didnā€™t visit anyone N2.

Donā€™t even know how youā€™d get this conclusion.

Rip confirmed scumz


@Htm just heal marl tonight thatā€™s ur one job.

That was easy


ā€¦well that was easy then. You now have permission to lolcat in a funny way, because the logs of two dead villagers say that you DID visit Frost on N2


Uhmmm outed Logs from dead town say you did bucko.

Pretty sure if there was a class that fucked with logs which I donā€™t think there is they wouldnā€™t have targeted Solic of all people

I donā€™t claim non-killing neutral by the way.

Oh fuck n2

Yeah I visited Marg.

And Iā€™m assuming she used her abil n2 on Wolf

This whole replacement thing is confusing

Uh huh ā€¦And I am the moderator.

yeah uhhh youā€™re still outed wolf because you were caught by a watcher
better luck next time bucko

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You already said thatā€¦
Plz no dead memes

And Iā€™m the Owner of ToL

@Lightsin this is a piece of advice from one forumer to another. When youā€™re outed wolf like this, have a store of funny lines and gifs that will make people laugh enough to not discuss anything.

This is called lolcatting and it is a gentlemanā€™s game.

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He was redirected to Marg then.

Thatā€™s impossible according to my faction

So I could either be eggā€™d or you somehow got converted last night meaning I got redirected/occupied.