SFoL 33: The Golden Dragon 2 - Golden Dragon, Diseased and Neutral Queen win!

Light Is literally confirmed evil and as well I think math knows what I am.


If you think so, I hard claimed

How about you?

I raise my hand for two shamans

I think weā€™re at a point where we can easily deduce by claims alone.

  • Firekitten - ?
  • Marluxion - ?
  • Icibalus - Mechanically cleared.
  • Frostwolf103 - Mechanically cleared.
  • Lightsin - Captain/Behemoth
  • Sarun - Shaman
  • Mathblade :crown: - Queen, high GD lean.
  • bazingaboy - ?
  • GamerPoke - Mechanically cleared.
  • htm - Medic claim
  • Memesky - Basilisk/
  • Marcus_Doodalee - Mechanically cleared.

Shaman is unique.

Nvm then

I think itā€™s best if I stay mum on what I ā€œknowā€ and what I ā€œbelieveā€ and what I ā€œfeelā€

Letā€™s see those intricate logs Firekitten Iā€™m excited! Youā€™re at the top so you can have the privilege of going first.

You know in your heart and I confirm it.

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What the fuck now youā€™re claiming Shaman and NM?


No, he thought there were 2

Didnā€™t say that, that was meant for htm

Yeah I am coding bbl people. Figure this shit out

Sorry Baz Iā€™ll claim tomorrow but I canā€™t today.

And people thought I am crazy about Sarunā€¦

Need those eggs to hatch? I understand.


That doesnā€™t explain why I am unconvertible by Marg from day check

Marg has no intentions of helping town, tbh.


Duh point taken