SFoL 33: The Golden Dragon 2 - Golden Dragon, Diseased and Neutral Queen win!

unfortuantely, I have mechanical info clearing him, so suck it™

No you clear him as non lizard
Which means Firekitten is lying

oh of course lol

I am 99% sure this never happened but I am 75% sure this is what was submitted

That’s where my POE has taken me

He claims a Neutral PGO. If the player I send to him doesn’t die tonight then we’ll lynch them tomorrow.

we really need to cut down on the PoE potential in both GD and FoL, because if the new changes don’t cut it the setup is still very village-sided if a strong village core is found Day 2 or 3

So who is today’s Lynch after me? Memesky? Bazingaboy?

Fol is fine

You can’t prove yourself easily in fol

bazinga is best for PoE purposes, imo

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You used Portal Trick and then Rewind?

GD’s problem is that the KPN potential here is low as hell so by the time the Reptilians start killing then town can easily form a firm townbloc and cut through the PoE.

No rewind and then portal trick

I think scum still have a shot you’re forgetting something very important.

I need time to type it out which I can’t do at work and guard what needs to be guarded


Oh you mean Portal Trick, not empower…

I have no idea why you said that

Scum slip can’t rewind N1

You aren’t a mage

Actually I am