SFoL 33: The Golden Dragon 2 - Golden Dragon, Diseased and Neutral Queen win!

Also, why do you need heals Fire?

unaccuse htm


Because Iā€™m the diseased Iā€™ll make it worth your while as it proves you makes you death immune as well.

We have two redirectors tonight anyway, so I doubt that FK needs worry about not getting heals

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I forgot this game existed and forgot to heal N2, but I did heal N3

However they can actually no action.
They die or be forced to no action

Did you get diseased during the day?

So we donā€™t have an innkeeper. HTM is confirmed scum then

Okay, then this doesnā€™t make any sense whatsoever.

If Poke and HTM are both healers, then who the hell is the Komodo?


Wait marl said there was one. LUL

Wait someone was fanged.


Frostwolf got Fatal Fangā€™d.

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Just now

Iā€™m just a person who always gets sick please heal me, if you donā€™t Iā€™ll know and you will get hung tomorrow.

@GamerPoke Getting death immune wonā€™t get killed by Soul Link

Okay, cause I healed Fire last night so I was like, if you got diseased at night, you dont need heals

Also to know someone healed you by them giving the message ā€œyou are bleedingā€ again after you were healed is just weird imo.

K htm is Komodo again.