SFoL 33: The Golden Dragon 2 - Golden Dragon, Diseased and Neutral Queen win!

He’s going to become a Matriarch at the start of the night, tbh.

I don’t think so.

Okay, that works then.

@bazingaboy do you mind giving someomne a double vote today? That’d be nice

htm has been pardoned.

/vote Marluxion

/Accuse Marluxion

The Queen has pointed her Royal Finger at Marcus_Doodalee! Marcus is now on trial! The trial will end in 12 hours or whenever majority is reached.

Very very epic.

Kinda knew it when they didn’t tell the court their claim

Accuse MathBlade

Jk lol

Evil Queen…


Ohhhh shit I meant Marlux fuck me

This is the last trial of the day, so day will end whenever majority is reached.

Doesnt say anything about Marl having to defend themselves


I am the Bailiff. I’m pretty much outed here, HTM didn’t visit anyone n2, and I made sure there was no innkeeper so he couldn’t claim occupied.

That was the major flaw

@Lightsin redirect marl into me

@GamerPoke heal me

@Alice soul link htm with someone else