SFoL 33: The Golden Dragon 2 - Golden Dragon, Diseased and Neutral Queen win!

Also, who liked my death notes?

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Iā€™m planning on using more Shut up and Jam! Gaiden quotes in the future.

Honestly though htm pretty much opens wolf a lot as scum, thatā€™s pretty bad


Also, they just released that Isabelle is in Smash btw.

Reptilians were playing it safe by hatching 1 egg at a time. Also, there was a mistake on my part, matriarch was supposed to have her free hatch ability available until d4 but I wrote d3 in the class card and it was too late to change.

He tries to be Meme. Desnt work for him though

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No chaos dunk though

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Who did they try to convert?

Also thatā€™s stupid IMO

And who did I kill


Also, is it just me or does HTM roll scum in like every single game he joins?

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Yes that is super stupid to try and convert one at a timeā€¦ But I guess HTM didnā€™t want to kill Marl in fear of mod action :sunglasses:

He was what we call ā€œUltimate Luckā€

but then heā€™s also inactive

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He didnā€™t visit me tho

Random thought, what about making shaman suicide earlier but each time they kill a GD with their abilities they get 1 extra day to live?


Why are we giving someone who has a certain amount of days to live EVEN MORE REASON to be hated by GD

blood mage was reworked, and inquisitor was nerfed so hard I had to change the class name

also you could have said that healers spawned so I stopped yelling at you

Oh, thatā€™d work to make them more scum-sided. IMO my idea was for them to instead of committing suicide, for them to become corrupted earlier and the corruption would change the wincon to make it survive to see the GD fall. Itā€™d make open-claiming Shaman suicide so they canā€™t really become an immune conditional vig with day checks and hard-carry GD.

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