SFoL 33: The Golden Dragon 2 - Golden Dragon, Diseased and Neutral Queen win!

Due to timezone reasons night will be extended until September 6, 2018 2:00 PM


The sun rises on castle Adiart. Day 2 has started and will end either in 72 hours, when someone is executed or after the trial limit is reached.

GamerPoke has replaced Livicus!

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No deaths?

(oh and everyone, have fun, Iā€™m going to be focusing on hosting Echoes :wink:)

Youā€™ve been pretty quiet so far. What are some observations you have from day one?

I didnā€™t read day 1 thoroughly yet, but I donā€™t remember much that was memorable. Also donā€™t have the time to do so within the next 24 hours or so.

You have to make some time to read. Itā€™s rather important for obvious reasons

This though.

Immediate FoS on Icibalus for this comment.

Marcusā€™ d1 posting history has been a complete dumpster fire, but this hypothetical scenario absolutely reeks of PR fishing.

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So youā€™re just going to ignore D1 altogether?

And the 24 hours for night? You didnā€™t read 100 ish posts to make an informed decision for any night actions you do or donā€™t have?

Yeah, The Ici and Marcus interaction yesterday pinged me aswell. Like, it just didnt feel necessary to do so, and it kinda looked like he wanted to make himself look towny.


Agreed. I want to see their opinions on that. Something funky is there and I want to know what.

Also, the lack of deaths here isnā€™t surprising. The Reptilians are like the Cult a slow-burning faction with a higher focus on conversion and poison rather than outright kills here. Assuming the NK was not occupied or hit an immune, Iā€™d say weā€™re likely dealing with a Count or a Siren.


Why are you taking this further than what Solic said?

There is a difference between reading and reading deeply.

Well, we will see later on. Definitely have a feeling it could be either, depends on deaths.

Iā€™d be cautious of hypothesizing roles early openly until there is more evidence. Due to the nature of the reptilian powers and other elements itā€™s easy for one power to be mistaken for another.

I love mechanics games but be careful not to plant ideas in peopleā€™s heads that could be wrong.

Reading is important as it gives you a chance to find suspicious activity and what not. Without reading, all we can do is rely on mechanical confirmation which we cannot do in a game like this

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