SFoL 33: The Golden Dragon 2 - Golden Dragon, Diseased and Neutral Queen win!

But that wasn’t memeing

That was me protecting our protection targets

I mean, it was kinda obvious people would put protection on marl. It was one use though, which means using it d1 meant you didn’t have it for the rest of the game.

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Yeah next time just be ballsy if you have already used it and say you’ve used it on someone instead of WIFOM bs.



Accused Votes Count
PoisonedSquid Solic 1/9
Solic Blizer, Icibalus, Sarun 3/9
MathBlade Memesky 1/9
Icibalus Marluxion 1/9
MtheJoker bazingaboy 1/9

Yep your vote has been disabled FK

Someone loves their memes

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I would request our honourable bailiff to peruse MtheJoker’s quarters tonight.

I still request protectives

@MathBlade if you had to choose an heir tonight because you were guaranteed to die tomorrow, who would it be and why?

Do you know something or does something ping you about him? Because it sure sounds like you know something you aren’t letting on.

I can assure you I have no extra information. I just find his mannerisms off-putting.

I thought you were suspicious to him because of this

Seems fairly pointless especially since meme does this a lot and there is no reason to say this, it’s mostly seems to me like trying to act like annoyed Town.



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Firekitten do you have any neutral reads on anyone?

Wdym by neutral null or actual they are neutral.

Just if you’ve picked up a neutral tone from anyone?

FireKitten Sarun Or Ici

I would not specify which of these because then that increases the odds of them being NK’d dramatically

Fire because fire’s vote is missing yet no one is pushing fire means fire probably town.

Sarun because I had a good feeling day one about them and with how I have skimmed the thread so far and seen them handle something towards Ici I am very good with them being heir

And Ici based solely on the fact Sarun vouches for them and how they vouched for them.

All three of them also seem to be easier to communicate with so I could make my last wishes known a lot better.

I will comment more in depth on recent events when I get home.

I’m curious. Why would you think Firekittens vote being missing would warrant people to push on him?

Not really, the only thing that bothered me were squids first couple of post seem to remind me of neutral especially, since it’s almost like they are prompting the person to do something, but isn’t accusing the person.

The only real post that wasn’t that was something to do with solic.

However while looking through it I have found something

This is more of a ima sit back and do nothing, ping me when you need me to defend myself. Which actually bothers me.

In my skin of the voting powers
The only one that could do that that was town aligned was Elder. I would have expected an elder vote stealer to generate more content about Fire or try to get them to open up more.

Since no one did that I am leaning towards a scum/Neutral ability that did it.

Scum generally wouldn’t want themselves to be down a vote and Neutrals wouldn’t want to draw attention to themselves.

So odds are more likely than not Kitten is town.

How does that make him probably town?